DK, PL, DE, NL, BE, CZ, LU, INT Ch Light My Fire Amoreno (Fighter)

ROM, CZ, GR, INT Ch Quashee Operation Chaos

LUX, NL. BE. KR, DE, INT Ch Quashee High Class O'pinion

NL, BE, Lux, SLO, DE, KRO, INT Ch Quashee Cheeky Joker

INT, FIN,EST, DK, NORD Ch Sheldon Space Joker

Quashee Peach Melba

KR Ch Quashee By Versailles

NL, RU Ch Valerina Ross Versailles

Quashee Hi O'Pinion

DE, INT Ch Arcot Strike A Pose

UK Ch Lythwood Sixsmith

UK Ch Lythwood Steptoe

UK Ch Lythwood Stage Wispa at Tegwel

Arcot Tillytrotter

GB Ch Mohnesee The Illusionist
Arcot Angel Fingers

PL, INT Ch Guantanamera Amoreno

SE, FIN, DK, NO INT Ch Shelteam Dreamcatcher

INT, FIN,EST, DK, NORD Ch Sheldon Space Joker

NO Ch Kindergate The Joker

SE Ch Conspirol Space Flower

Shelteam Dream Design

SE Ch Fenstyle Freemason From Shelridge,

Shelteam Petit Fleur

PL, CZ, AUS, INT Ch Prima Gloria z Kojca Colli

PL Ch Highland Rogu'e Ze Shetlandu

Magic Black Fatransky Sen

Casie z Vesnicky u Hranic

Quanti Olive Asketila

PL, INT Ch Cataway's Rising Sun

PL, ML Ch Elektra Asketila

Green Paradise Key To My Heart (Rishon)

Int & Swiss Ch. Starbelle Samiro

Ch.Evad Sommer Shadow

Sommerville Smithson

Smithson = left (his daughter Evad Sweet Sommer on the right)

Crisanbee Goldsmith At Myriehewe

Thorntonhall Thoughts With Sommerville
Evad Cream Peach

Ch.Milesend Stormwarden

Evad Cream Eclair

Ch.Starbelle Sign Of Silk

Ch.Stornaway Sawney Bean

Ch.Milesend Dancing Major

Stornaway Sunshine

Ch.Starbelle Sweet Swan

Ch.Bermarks Upside Down

Ch.Starbelle Seldom Silent

Eastdale Just A Image Of My Dreams

Ch.Shellrick´s you May me Luck

Ch.Sheldon Space Joker

Ch.Kindergate the Joker

Ch Conspirol Space Flower

Magganett's Follow The Best Dream

Ch.Lynnfield that´s Totte

Ch.Shellrick´s Simply the Best

Eastdale Just a Spinning Image

Snabswood Spitting Image

Ch.Illiad Imagemaker

Snabswood Sandra Dee

S + FIN Ch Eastdale Just a Stormy Dream

Ch.Milesend Stormking

S & N Ch Eastdale Just A Summer Dream